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(Islam) (in Islam) interest or usury, as forbidden by the Koran
[C21: from Arabic al-Riba, literally: to excess or increase]


abbreviation for
(Architecture) Royal Institute of British Architects
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The tours provide an opportunity to meet the architects, find out what inspired them and made their designs a RIBA award winner.
The Chief Justice also informed that every Shariat petitions are to be decided before summer vacation and thereafter Riba case shall also be proceeded expeditiously.
In a statement, Girlguiding Cheshire Forest said: "We are excited to announce that our new residential building, The Lookout, at Pettypool Outdoor Centre has been shortlisted for a RIBA North West architectural award.
KUWAIT, April 7 (KUNA) -- The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) President's Medal Exhibition has kicked off at the Dar al Athar al Islamiyyah of the Amricani Cultural Centre.
A regional jury is to choose the winners which are set to be announced at the RIBA Yorkshire Awards evening at Aspire, Leeds, on May 16.
Sample from participants who received positive and indeterminate RIBA results were then tested using newer HCV RNA testing, which has replaced RIBA as an HCV confirmation test.
Dr Shaikh Sultan will formally receive the Honorary Fellowship at a grand ceremony in London in February, according to a statement by RIBA. The RIBA Honorary Fellowships are awarded annually to people who are not architects but have made a particular contribution to architecture.
Meanwhile, Meezan Bank win 'Together celebrate 71 Independence day with the spirt of Riba Saay Azadi Cup-2018' against Pakistan Refinery Limited (PRL) by 6 wickets.
The Turkish architect presented three of his recent and current projects to the group, including Santrallstanbul Museum of Contemporary Art in Istanbul, a new museum hotel currently under construction in Antakya, and the winner of the RIBA 2018 Award for Excellence, the Sancaklar Mosque, in Istanbul.
Both buildings won prizes at RIBA's West Midlands Awards in May, with the conservatoire named build of the year.
The firm said that it is selling a GBP31.8m stake in its commercial arm, RIBA Enterprises, to LDC, the Lloyds Bank private equity arm.
Lucy Plumridge of HLM Architects, regional jury chair, said of this year's award-winners, said: "Within the North East region the RIBA awards reflected how sustainability is becoming embedded in all projects, with a strong emphasis on engaging with local communities and users, using local materials and minimising buildings energy usage.