rhythmic pattern

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Noun1.rhythmic pattern - (prosody) a system of versification
metrics, prosody - the study of poetic meter and the art of versification
poem, verse form - a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines
versification - the form or metrical composition of a poem
cadence, metre, meter, measure, beat - (prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse
sprung rhythm - a poetic rhythm that imitates the rhythm of speech
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References in periodicals archive ?
Every drum ensemble in various ethnicity of Nigeria has a unique rhythmic pattern played by the diverse secondary instruments of each ensemble, but the principle which determine the combination of instruments are mostly the same.
Farhan's Rubab in conversation with Shiraz's percussions assembles a distinctive beat to produce a splendid rhythmic pattern. Babar Khanna's dholak and the groovy bass by Mannu (Kamran Zafar) further enhance the kaleidoscopic soundscape of this track that is sure to make you swing in trance.
The rhythmic pattern of the text is enjoyable, and invites participation by joining in or predicting rhymes.
Tatkar has developed into a very sophisticated rhythmic pattern of footwork.
My students and I usually take turns deciding what the rhythm will be, but you could also base it off of a tricky rhythm in a solo they are working on, or a set rhythmic pattern like the clave beat.
His recitation of Urdu poetry and prose works are marked by great perfection that draws strength from his wide knowledge of the language and his extraordinary ability of voice modulation and adding a rhythmic pattern to his renderings.
Beyond being generally connected through their modernist styles and serial processes, the ceramics and the Minimalist light sculptures shared a simplicity and a rhythmic pattern of repetition and difference.
Running really gets my endorphins kicking and I can pound out my frustrations or lose myself in the rhythmic pattern of my strides.
Some brain regions displayed a pattern which was a combination of a rhythmic pattern and a decline associated with time awake.
The rhythmic pattern in music can improve a baby's ability to detect and make predictions about such patterns in speech, they said.
WORDS flowed into a rhythmic pattern on the fourth day of the ZEE Jaipur Literature Festival as two of the most renowned and popular lyricists -- Gulzar and Javed Akhtar -- held sessions on the art of poetry.