resonant cavity

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resonant cavity

(Electronics) another name for cavity resonator
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The company pioneered the commercialisation of resonant cavity light emitting diodes (RCLEDs) which are today used in the RedLink[R] industrial POF transceivers as well as the connectorless OptoLock[R] and LC families of products.
Moreover, to clarify the resonant characterization, the electrical field and surface current distributions at resonant frequencies are analyzed, and the method based on the Fabry-Perot-like resonant cavity theory is also proposed for giving a clear explanation to the physical mechanism of the high-efficiency and broadband polarization conversion.
Analytical methods, such as the transmission line [10], resonant cavity [11], and electric surface current [12] models, have been extensively used for predesigning planar, cylindrical, and spherical microstrip antennas [6-8, 13-15].
Ashe, "Pyroelectric thermal-wave resonant cavity: A precision thermal diffusivity sensor for gases and vapors," International Journal of Thermophysics, vol.
The topological insulator thin film acts as an intrinsic optical resonant cavity, which can enhance the phase shifts for holographic imaging.
The wave guide is coupled to a resonant cavity which is used to select a single frequency from a pulse propagating through the main wave guide, and rerouted it to another wave guide.
Optically pumped lasers have been achieved from various ZnO micro/nanostructures, such as thin films [1], powders [2], microtubes [3], nano/microwires [4-6], nanobelts [7], nanonails [8], microspheres [9], and nano/microdisks [10,11] by single-photon absorption in which ZnO serves as both active gain medium and optical resonant cavity. On the other hand, multiphoton induced laser has also exhibited fascinating interest owing to high spatial resolution and large penetration depth of pump light.
For a SIW resonant cavity, at T[E.sub.m0n] mode, the resonant frequency can be calculated as
The aim of such searches is to create a resonant cavity environment with a high-quality cylindrical cavity (with support for [TM.sub.010] modes) which is encapsulated in strong magnetic field transverse to the cavity axis and spectrally tuned to resonantly couple to any possible axions in situ, which could possibly result in production of resonant axion-photon events.
The EmDrive, invented by Robert Shawyer, is a tapered microwave resonant cavity inside which electrons resonate, but there is no fuel involved.