

(riːˈməʊbɪˌlaɪz) or


vb (tr)
to recall to active military dutyto make (a substance) fluid or plastic again
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Other Generals and fighters, remobilize by the President includes Prince Toe, Sam Saryon, Sampson Nieger, Benjamin Taylor, etc
The Alliance said it had signed the Declaration of Freedom and Change and called on all disbanded workers trade unions to remobilize their ranks and join the civic forces struggle for the restoration of democracy and dignity.
The Committee urged political parties and individuals to refrain from making utterances that could instigate crises and be circumspect so as not to overheat an already tensed polity as they remobilize voters across the country.
Its weekly newsletter Al Naba has been the main platform to remobilize sleeper cells and provide them with guidance to regroup and to carry out guerrilla operations, including assassinations and ambushes.
Additionally, the extraction of sand is a strong activity in the region and it can remobilize the sediment, affecting the bioavailability of Mn, for example, which presents a high factor of individual mobility [7].
Of course the issue is just starting point for Putin to just ignore and move on further with prudent foreign policy goals to remobilize entire anti-West and anti-West world to fight colonialism capitalism, imperialism, fascism and US brand Zionism.
the nonlocally recruited Catatumbo block, prior to its demobilization, was highly capable militarily relative to other groups), nonlocal groups dispersed from the zone of operation after the agreement (often to their areas of origin) more than their locally recruited counterparts, reducing the influence of the group and its ability to remobilize, while also impairing communications and preventing commanders from adequately assessing the changed situation of the group in the face of subsequent incentives remobilize.
That means we have to send the technicians home, wait till the part arrives, then remobilize. The whole time the engine is down, our client is looking at us, wondering why we're not up and running and making money.
It is therefore difficult to remobilize savings to finance investment and we lose opportunities for growth.
"This is an exciting realization," Janes says, "because we now can look for ways to remobilize the GDF11 precursor and reengage its normal tumor suppressive activity wherever triplenegative cancer cells reside in the body.
"This is an exciting realization," Janes said, "because we now can look for ways to remobilize the GDF11 precursor and reengage its normal tumor suppressive activity wherever triple-negative cancer cells reside in the body.