

to descend again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: redescended
Gerund: redescending

I redescend
you redescend
he/she/it redescends
we redescend
you redescend
they redescend
I redescended
you redescended
he/she/it redescended
we redescended
you redescended
they redescended
Present Continuous
I am redescending
you are redescending
he/she/it is redescending
we are redescending
you are redescending
they are redescending
Present Perfect
I have redescended
you have redescended
he/she/it has redescended
we have redescended
you have redescended
they have redescended
Past Continuous
I was redescending
you were redescending
he/she/it was redescending
we were redescending
you were redescending
they were redescending
Past Perfect
I had redescended
you had redescended
he/she/it had redescended
we had redescended
you had redescended
they had redescended
I will redescend
you will redescend
he/she/it will redescend
we will redescend
you will redescend
they will redescend
Future Perfect
I will have redescended
you will have redescended
he/she/it will have redescended
we will have redescended
you will have redescended
they will have redescended
Future Continuous
I will be redescending
you will be redescending
he/she/it will be redescending
we will be redescending
you will be redescending
they will be redescending
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been redescending
you have been redescending
he/she/it has been redescending
we have been redescending
you have been redescending
they have been redescending
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been redescending
you will have been redescending
he/she/it will have been redescending
we will have been redescending
you will have been redescending
they will have been redescending
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been redescending
you had been redescending
he/she/it had been redescending
we had been redescending
you had been redescending
they had been redescending
I would redescend
you would redescend
he/she/it would redescend
we would redescend
you would redescend
they would redescend
Past Conditional
I would have redescended
you would have redescended
he/she/it would have redescended
we would have redescended
you would have redescended
they would have redescended
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in classic literature ?
Having said this, Captain Nemo, followed by his lieutenant, redescended to the interior of the Nautilus.
He took with him his brother John, the second child of a poor couple in Cornwall, and, together, these men, between 1829 and 1831, redescended the river from Boussa to its mouth, describing it village by village, mile by mile."
Serait-on condamne a pousser eternellement le rocher de la reforme qui redescend sans cesse sur la pente des inegalites et des injustices?
La Corogne redescend L'international espagnol, auteur d'un quadruple (40, 44 sur penalty, 57 et 61) dont un but inscrit sur un somptueux ciseau, a mis au supplice ses adversaires.
Ainsi, Woolfook Hoy et Spero (2005) qui ont effectue une collecte de donnees a l'aide de quatre instruments de mesure du sentiment d'autoefficacite aupres de 53 personnes au debut et a la fin de leur formation initiale en enseignement au primaire, et au terme de leur premiere annee d'embauche, observent que leur sentiment augmente significativement au cours de la formation initiale puis redescend ou demeure stable apres la premiere annee en carriere.
Elle redescend d'ailleurs vers le sud, lors de la derniere etape.
De plus, le nombre d'actes par annee ne redescend plus en dessous de la barre des quatre actes (pour les annees 1775 et 1776), le minimum de la periode anglaise rejoignant quasiment le maximum de la periode francaise.
Si les chiffres sont bien evidemment sujets a caution et doivent etre manies avec precaution, il n'empeche que le bilan dresse par la Commission nationale des droits de l'homme en 2001 recense des faits alarmants: de 1995 a 1999, le nombre d'actes de violence et de menaces antisemites recenses officiellement demeurait inferieur a 100; il passe a 744 en 2000, redescend a 219 en 2001, monte a 936 en 2002 pour retomber a 598 en 2003.
In conclusion, recalling Sartre, these cinematic adaptations advocate in diverse ways the need for the black conscience to "redescend into the bursting Hell of the black soul." Diegues's film, despite not living up to spectators' expectations, suggests an interesting solution for an Afro-Brazilian Orpheus: instead of going down to a mythical hell, his task would be to go up the hills, where the hell of contemporary life is, showing that a process of awareness will have to take place right there, in the midst of concrete social situations.