red run

red run

(Skiing) skiing a run of some difficulty, suitable for intermediate skiers
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The result added to her growing list of successes which has included victories in this summer's Red Run 5km and 10km at Fetternear, the Dunecht 5km and Kayleigh's Wee Stars Barra 10km at Oldmeldrum.
The bad news for me was that there was a red run in the mix before we got to the bar, and it saw me sweep across the mountain with all the grace of Maggie from The Simpsons.
started construction on the firm's 10,368 square-foot retail center dubbed Red Run Station in Owings Mills on Tuesday.
There's a decent red run back to 1800 from the main Preclaux lift, while a longer green run to the right heads into 1650 and allows you to build up a little more speed.
8 it will sponsor the American Heart Association's Red Run.
I've also managed to do a red run, which I'm so chuffed about," he said.
EXCHANGE RATES Australia: Bangladesh: Canada: 1.5912 Denmark: Euro: 1.1650 Hong Kong: India: 80.6300 Japan: 122.0400 New Zealand: Norway: Pakistan: Saudi Arabia: Singapore: South Africa: Sweden: Switzerland: Turkey: 2.8733 US: 1.5698 As for avoiding accidents in the first place, choose the right piste for your level and be aware that grading levels can be different - what may be a blue run in France may be a red run in Austria.
Contributions from familiar names include Carrie Ryan's dystopic "Scenic Route"--the suspense and violence of which will please fans of The Forest of Hands and Teeth (Random House, 2010)--and Kami Garcia's "Red Run," whose ghost-story-with-a-twist begs to be told out loud.
The 42-year-old from Kintore is now one of the race directors for the Intellicore Red Run, which takes place at Fetternear in Kemnay this Sunday, with more than 650 participants involved in a 5k run, a 10k race, a new combined 5k and 10k "Regal Red" challenge, a 5k walk and a couple of new children's races He said: "As someone who has personal experience of the great work which FoA does, I am only too aware of the difference which every penny makes towards helping support those in the north-east who are affected by a cancer diagnosis.
8 the Red Run for Women will take place in San Antonio at the Shops at La Cantera.
If you're a confident red run skier, Inghams provide a Meet the Piste service to help guests find their way around the slopes.