real storage

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Noun1.real storage - the main memory in a virtual memory system
computer memory, computer storage, memory board, store, memory, storage - an electronic memory device; "a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Iqbal Khan, Chief Financial Officer, commented: 'After successfully closing the Real Storage transaction in Q2, bringing total acquisitions for the year to $346.5 million, we continue to focus on integrating and improving our operational performance.
While the shipping containers were a novelty and a talking point, Anna says they have no real storage space or proper kitchen facilities.
We started with a well-defined goal and product direction, and then brought together a team of proven experts to deliver real storage solutions to the most pressing problems that creative teams face today; and we do it in a new, innovative way," explained Alex Grossman, CEO of Symply Inc.
In particular, the sides discussed issues of implementing and eliminating the real storage component in pension-insurance system in Hungary, as well as the work of private pension funds.
A niche for a shallow cabinet or decorator shelves can be a real storage boon.
The latest powder flow analysers are able to compact or aerate samples; this not only reflects real storage conditions, but also reduces any interference caused by the loading of the sample.