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Related to raca: Sanhedrin


(Bible) a biblical word meaning 'worthless' or 'empty'
[from Aramaic]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Over the last few years, numerous media reports have spoken about the ineffectiveness of the customs terminal in Bijeljina, queues at the Raca border crossing because of the long convoy of the trucks on the bridge, which are unable to enter the customs terminal due to narrow space of the terminal.
Working towards Qatar National Vision 2030's pursuit to create a sustainable future, Qatar's Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities (RACA) and the Gulf Organisation for Research & Development (GORD) have signed a co-operation agreement to launch a series of green initiatives in the sector of charitable activities.
Para Sandra Harding (1996: 18), "temos que reconhecer que nas culturas estratificadas tanto pelo genero, quanto pela raca, o genero sempre constitui uma categoria racial, e a raca uma categoria de genero".
As one of the leading names in the hospitality industry, RACA is proud to take part in such an initiative which reflects the calibre we aim for in our pupils."
Como o objetivo maior do programa era forjar uma nova raca dominante, nao demorou (1939) para que as casas Lebensborn (existentes dentro e fora da Alemanha: Austria, Noruega, Belgica, Luxemburgo, Franca) alojassem, alem de criancas alemas (legitimas ou ilegitimas), criancas "racialmente validas" raptadas dos territorios invadidos pelos nazistas (Polonia, Iugoslavia, Tchecoslovaquia).
Its projects - Neighborhoods, Streets, SberbankGo, Palms, Russia Day - have earned a total of 55 awards at prestigious festivals such as Cannes Lions, Golden Drum, Epica Awards, Eurobest, ACDR, ACDE, Red Apple, Ad Black Sea, which allowed Sberbank to accumulate the largest number of points in RACA's rating and take first place.
Mary Jane Raca, wife of Henry and the company's vice president for Sales and Marketing, had a vision to have a small business of whitening soap since she is really fond of whitening her skin.
Quase todas elas mostravam de uma forma ou de outra como a raca pode impedir que alguem tenha acesso as oportunidades necessarias para uma vida dignificada.
Este estudo diferencia-se dos demais, pois tem a intencao de analisar a relacao das variaveis para cada regiao do Brasil, controlando efeitos de genero, raca e setor de atuacao.
Uma das acoes desse movimento ocorre em prol da valorizacao do corpo das pessoas negras, o que se configura num ato de resistencia contra a cultura racista que impoem aos negros um modelo de beleza que privilegia os tracos da raca branca.