qualifying exam

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qualifying exam

1. (Education) education any examination that one needs to pass in order to begin or continue with a course of study
2. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) industrial relations any examination that one needs to pass in order to enter a particular profession
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Any intelligent, coherent justice will want the Bar to simply be a qualifying exam. It is not an exam to find out the most brilliant of lawyers.
Under the scheme, Delhi students with a minimum of 60 per cent marks in a qualifying exam were eligible for scholarships, based on the economic status of their families.
Those students who were found to have used a phone in the exam room have been banned from sitting the Brevet for two rounds; in other words, they will have to wait until next year to take the high school qualifying exam.
Essential Med Notes, 2019: Comprehensive Medical Reference and Review for the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Step 2 and the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam (MCCQE) Part I, 35th Edition (online access and supplementary materials included)
VQE- an acronym for the dreaded Visa Qualifying Exam, a grueling 2-day test that all foreign physicians had to pass to practice medicine in the United States.
This exam is for any eighth-grade boy who was unable to take the scholarship qualifying exam Dec.
A year ago, he tried to join the Indian army, but he did not make the cut in a qualifying exam. There are no opportunities in his village in the district of Jhunjhunu, he said, and most of his friends do not have steady work.
The graduates will not be required to pass any equivalency or qualifying exam to be recognized as professional engineers in these countries.
She barely made it to the qualifying exam and when she passed and was admitted to the program, she brought the good news home.
The qualifying exam for the lowest-level social worker will be abolished and more North Korean defectors will be included in the state-run social welfare program eligible for state subsidies, the government said.
NEET or National Entrance and Eligibility Test is a common qualifying exam for medical admissions introduced by the CBSE that became mandatory in all states in 2016.