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v. pul·ver·ized, pul·ver·iz·ing, pul·ver·iz·es
1. To pound, crush, or grind to a powder or dust.
2. To overwhelm or defeat utterly: The visitors pulverized the home team.
To be ground or reduced to powder or dust.

[Middle English pulverizen, from Late Latin pulverizāre, from Latin pulvis, pulver-, dust.]

pul′ver·iz′a·ble adj.
pul′ver·i·za′tion (-vər-ĭ-zā′shən) n.
pul′ver·iz′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The micron-scale pulverizer uses the aerodynamic principle to pulverize the material to the micron level through the precise design of the convection field, and the individual materials can be pulverized to the sub-micron level.
New Unison's Model 4100 Five-Axis CNC Grinder works unattended to automatically regrind Pulverizer Blades, eliminating the expense of shipping them to a regrind facility.
In Phase One, beginning in May of this year, American Pulverizer will relocate its headquarters to a new two-story, 17,500-square-foot office in St.
Recently a coal-fired power plant in the Midwest was experiencing gear coupling failure in its coal pulverizer drives.
The Lovejoy Rosta tensioner is designed for large motors, such as the 300-hp unit that drives the Wagner pulverizer. At the tensioner's heart nests a square tube within another larger square tube.
"I was able to meet my own obligations in a timely manner, purchase more equipment, and secure bigger projects." One of the most expensive and essential pieces of equipment Potter purchased was a pulverizer. The heavy and awkward piece of steel is the lifeline of any demolition company.
One was equipped with a jackhammer arm; the other with a pulverizer grip able to squeeze 12-inch walls into gravel.
New Unison Corporation's Model 4100 Five-Axis CNC Grinder works unattended to automatically regrind Pulverizer Blades, thereby eliminating the expense of shipping them to a regrind facility.