pull the plug

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Related to pull the plug: Keyed Up, drop off, turn up, touch base, no less, in the works
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.pull the plug - prevent from happening or continuing; "The government pulled the plug on spending"
cease, discontinue, lay off, quit, stop, give up - put an end to a state or an activity; "Quit teasing your little brother"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Summary: They have to pull the plug to protect at-risk youngsters before it's too late
As a result, the BBC has decided to pull the plug on the 33-year-old prime-time show and instead focus on the shorter (and cheaper) daytime series, Crimewatch Roadshow.
A DALTON man assaulted his ex-partner in a row when he tried to pull the plug on her jukebox.
TRAINER Declan Carroll took the honours at Carlisle with a double courtesy of Pull The Plug and Save The Bees, who brought up his hat-trick in the process.
"I understand people have to sell magazines, but I didn't pull the plug on any show, it's not ending.
PULL THE PLUG It seems you can never seal the cut tip of a partial tube well enough.
Moreover, both proposals would still allow the city to pull the plug on the project in the future the only difference is when.
The move comes after a London newspaper reported that "health chiefs" were set to pull the plug on the flagship Labour policy because the nation was running out of money.
The denial comes after the News of the World yesterday reported that "health chiefs" are set to pull the plug on the flagship Labour policy because the nation is running out of money.
An average of 3.3million viewers - a 15.4 per cent audience share - during its last run from March to June forced the BBC to pull the plug on the weekly show.
THE future of Channel 4 show Countdown has been thrown into doubt as the businessman who owns the rights to the quiz has threatened to pull the plug.

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