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v. proved, proved or prov·en (pro͞o′vən), prov·ing, proves
a. To establish the truth or validity of (something) by the presentation of argument or evidence: The novel proves that the essayist can write in more than one genre. The storm proved him to be wrong in his prediction.
b. To demonstrate the reality of (something): He proved his strength by doing 50 pushups.
c. To show (oneself) to be what is specified or to have a certain characteristic: proved herself to be a formidable debater; proved herself to be worthy of the task.
2. Law
a. To establish by the required amount of evidence: proved his case in court.
b. To establish the authenticity of (a will).
3. Mathematics
a. To demonstrate the validity of (a hypothesis or proposition).
b. To verify (the result of a calculation).
4. To subject (a gun, for instance) to a test.
5. Printing To make a sample impression of (type); proof.
6. Archaic To find out or learn (something) through experience.
To be shown to be such; turn out: a theory that proved impractical in practice; a schedule that proved to be too demanding.
Phrasal Verb:
prove out
To turn out well; succeed.

[Middle English proven, from Old French prover, from Latin probāre, to test, from probus, good; see per in Indo-European roots.]

prov′a·bil′i·ty, prov′a·ble·ness n.
prov′a·ble adj.
prov′a·bly adv.
prov′er n.
Usage Note: Prove has two past participles: proved and proven. Proved is the older form. Proven is a variant. The Middle English spellings of prove included preven, a form that died out in England but survived in Scotland, and the past participle proven probably rose by analogy with verbs like weave, woven and cleave, cloven. Proven was originally used in Scottish legal contexts, such as The jury ruled that the charges were not proven. In the 1900s, proven made inroads into the territory once dominated by proved, so that now the two forms compete on equal footing as participles. However, when used as an adjective before a noun, proven is now the more common word: a proven talent.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.provable - capable of being demonstrated or proved; "obvious lies"; "a demonstrable lack of concern for the general welfare"; "practical truth provable to all men"- Walter Bagehot
obvious - easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind; "obvious errors"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


adj hypothesis, story, lawbeweisbar; guilt, innocence alsonachweisbar
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
Legally, the matter is beset by difficulties, Turlington having destroyed all provable connection between his present self and his past life.
The anti-graft agency in an affidavit insisted that the items were beyond Diezani's 'known and provable lawful income.'
Gray writes that there is no "provable evidence" for manmade climate change.
In PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), provable data possession protocol needs public key certificates, distributions and management.
International Resource News-February 11, 2011--China may raise provable rare earth reserves(C)1994-2011 ENPublishing -
It is described as complete if for every sentence A of L either A, or its negation -A, is provable. It is described as consistent if there is no sentence A, such that both A and -A are provable.
Suggested here are the deep claims that Christianity is both reasonable and provable on the basis of the evidence.
Experts say it could boost the number of provable cases by as much as 30 per cent.
Tracking and reporting capabilities deliver provable confirmation about data stored on the devices for auditing and compliance purposes.--IronKey
It identifies the legally provable elements that contract interpreters may use, and proposes a law of contract interpretation for the courts' consideration.
After documenting many probable, provable, and preventable causes of dastardly disease in precious pets, Straw discusses conventional treatments, gives insights into pet insurance and PPOs, and introduces alternative therapies including Bach flower remedies such as wild rose, water violet, olive, and clematis, to name a few, and herbs such as artemisinin, Essiac, garlic, Hoxsey treatment, milk thistle, and golden seal.