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Adj.1.protogeometric - characteristic of the earliest phase of geometric art especially in Greece
nonrepresentational - of or relating to a style of art in which objects do not resemble those known in physical nature
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References in periodicals archive ?
Excavations have recovered 75 burials ranging in age from the Early Helladic to the Protogeometric periods.
Middle Neolithic 5800-5300 Late Neolithic 5300-4500 Final Neolithic 4500-3100 Early Bronze Age 3100-2000 Middle Bronze Age 2000-1680 Late Bronze Age (Mycenaean) 1680-1065 Submycenaean 1065-1000 Protogeometric 1000-800 Geometric 800-700 Archaic 700-480 Classical 480-323 Hellenistic 323-31 Early Roman 31 B.C.-A.D.
(3) My treatment begins in the Protogeometric (PG) period and extends into the latest phase of the Hellenistic.
405) claims that the earliest votives are Protogeometric, and therefore dates the instigation of cult to the tenth century B.C.
This tradition has its roots in the Protogeometric and Geometric periods and perhaps continues into Classical and Hellenistic times at Lato.
Through these studies, the evolving and changing form of feasting appears to be a sensitive gauge of changes in sociopolitical structure, and a useful way to think about continuity through periods of transformation, such as the postpalatial transition to the Iron Age (Late Helladic/Late Minoan IIIC through the Protogeometric period).