

vb (tr)
(Building) to erect (a building) beforehand
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Whether you choose to slum it with the PS49 Eurohike tent masses or have your chi-chi bell tent pre-erected by a minimum-wage student, it's all about escaping the rat race and re-connecting with your inner child.
There is a choice of bringing a tent to pitch yourself on the spacious grass fields or renting a pre-erected six-metre bell tent.
For those who want to stay and play, camping will be available on the festival field - either bring your own or book a pre-erected tent with everything you need to stay in comfort via partner providers Z.I.P (additional cost applies).
You'll need to take your tent home after the festival, "click and collect" a tent and camping equipment in advance or hire a pre-erected tent.
The collated boxes are then deviated into the pre-erected cases; the flat blanks are fed from a magazine and erected into a flighted chain.
The village will be free for under 25s who have a ticket for The Open and it will feature pre-erected tents and inflatable mattresses.
Unlike many other lodge homes, which arrive on site pre-erected, all of these properties are built from scratch - meaning they can be personalised to buyers' requirements, working in consultation with makers Blairish, and subject to build schedule and reservation date.
To this highbrow music-and-literary hoedown she took teabags, open-toed sandals, a couple of improving books and (for philosophical support) Susan the Luddite; there, in that tented Suffolk farmland among the 20,000 other squeezed middles, they shared a pre-erected canvas scout hut with our Guardianista daughter, without whom no cultural coven is complete.
And for parents worried about any potential discomfort while camping, Rob reassures: "Modern camping equipment is streets ahead of what it used to be - you can even get inflatable tents that are up within a minute, and there's always glamping!" The Camping and Caravanning Club even offers Ready Camp safari-style pre-erected tents on 17 club sites around the UK, featuring real beds, a kitchen and a sofa in a spacious living area.
"Fortunately, once he received treatment he did not have to go to hospital." He had been camping in the site's boutique area, where VIPs are treated to pre-erected tepee tents.
On completion of assembly the robot places the finished components, in an interlocking pattern, into a pre-erected cardboard box.