pour down

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.pour down - drink down entirelypour down - drink down entirely; "He downed three martinis before dinner"; "She killed a bottle of brandy that night"; "They popped a few beer after work"
drink, imbibe - take in liquids; "The patient must drink several liters each day"; "The children like to drink soda"
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pleuvoir comme vache qui pisse
References in classic literature ?
Pinocchio had no hat, but he managed to get under the window just in time to feel a shower of ice-cold water pour down on his poor wooden head, his shoulders, and over his whole body.
Our expedition, however, was not so great but we saw them on the top of a mountain ready to pour down upon us.
"The Poet wandering on, through Arabie And Persia, and the wild Carmanian waste, And o'er the aerial mountains which pour down Indus and Oxus from their icy caves--" and that other passage beginning
the rain's going to pour down harder than ever; and this time it will be the deluge itself, if we're to judge by yon cloud that's coming up!"
Their livelihood depends on rainfall, they grow bajar, juwar and such other crops when it pour down heavily.
"Hundreds of Scots pour down the M6 to have a holiday or stag do.