pound down

Also found in: Idioms.

w>pound down

vt sep earth, rocksfeststampfen; to pound something down to a powderetw pulverisieren
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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Snagsby, "if a person was to say to me, "Snagsby, here's twenty thousand pound down, ready for you in the Bank of England if you'll only name one of 'em,' I couldn't do it, sir!
THE ongoing wranglings in Westminster might have helped send the pound down to levels not seen for 34 years, but it was events taking place outside the UK that seemed to spook the markets most on Tuesday.
In the UK, talks have broken down, knocking the pound down to fresh trend lows and easing the FTSE 100 0.5% lower.
Traditional drumbeats and melodious shahnai flutes are drowned out by thundering hooves in the small Pakistani city of Tulamba, as riders pound down a dusty track seeking world record glory in the ancient sport of tent-pegging.
But the foreign secretary's resignation in the afternoon sent the pound down nearly 0.4% to trade at 1.324.
The news sent the euro soaring, knocking the pound down 1.3% to trade at 1.116 against the European currency, marking its lowest point since early November.
According to Sabayik, investors had expected gold prices to fall to about USD 1.300 per ounce, but it noted that the Bank of England maintained the Sterling interest rate unchanged which kept the euro and the Pound down, and in the meantime pushed the US dollar higher.
Fears that a Brexit might become a reality when the referendum is held June 23 have pushed the pound down 6 percent from the start of the year.
So far in 2016, fears of a British exit from the EU have pushed the pound down by over 4% against the US dollar, which analysts expect to continue to direct sentiment until the vote in June.
It is not like you have found a pound down the back of the couch, they will think Liverpool is not as poverty-stricken as they make out.