poplar tree

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Noun1.poplar tree - any of numerous trees of north temperate regions having light soft wood and flowers borne in catkinspoplar tree - any of numerous trees of north temperate regions having light soft wood and flowers borne in catkins
genus Populus, Populus - a genus of trees of the family Salicaceae that is found in the northern hemisphere; poplars
poplar - soft light-colored non-durable wood of the poplar
balsam poplar, hackmatack, Populus balsamifera, tacamahac - poplar of northeastern North America with broad heart-shaped leaves
abele, aspen poplar, Populus alba, silver-leaved poplar, white aspen, white poplar - a poplar that is widely cultivated in the United States; has white bark and leaves with whitish undersurfaces
gray poplar, grey poplar, Populus canescens - large rapidly growing poplar with faintly lobed dentate leaves grey on the lower surface; native to Europe but introduced and naturalized elsewhere
black poplar, Populus nigra - large European poplar
cottonwood - any of several North American trees of the genus Populus having a tuft of cottony hairs on the seed
aspen - any of several trees of the genus Populus having leaves on flattened stalks so that they flutter in the lightest wind
angiospermous tree, flowering tree - any tree having seeds and ovules contained in the ovary
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References in classic literature ?
So he hid it under the boughs of the sleeping poplar tree.
Just an hour, dear fairy, so we can remember how the grass and poplar trees looked, and the bow of those bonnet strings tied beneath her chin--even if it was the hatpins that did the work.
The outlines of its roof were merging in the yellow foliage of a curtain of poplar trees, the whole habitation having for background a dark grove of gigantic elms.
"I fondly thought you loved me," said Raoul, whose voice became more and more agitated; "I fondly thought you consented to all the plans we had, together, laid down for our own happiness, at the time when we wandered up and down the walks of Cour-Cheverny, under the avenue of poplar trees leading to Blois.
Before the door, were three tall poplar trees, which made it very dark within; and the wind moaned through them with a dismal wail.
And David answered, "I see the windmills swinging and three tall poplar trees swaying against the sky, and a flock of fieldfares are flying over the hill; but nought else do I see, good master."
I thought you were desperately ill with smallpox and everybody deserted you, but I went boldly to your bedside and nursed you back to life; and then I took the smallpox and died and I was buried under those poplar trees in the graveyard and you planted a rosebush by my grave and watered it with your tears; and you never, never forgot the friend of your youth who sacrificed her life for you.
The flat expanse of country about Chalons lay a long heavy streak, occasionally made a little ragged by a row of poplar trees against the wrathful sunset.
Benassis and Genestas saw all the details of this scene as they stood beyond the low wall; they fastened their horses to one of the row of poplar trees that grew along it, and entered the yard just as the widow came out of the byre.
This instrument happening to be the baby, great commotion and alarm ensued, which the sagacity of Boxer rather tended to increase; for, that good dog, more thoughtful than its master, had, it seemed, been watching the old gentleman in his sleep, lest he should walk off with a few young poplar trees that were tied up behind the cart; and he still attended on him very closely, worrying his gaiters in fact, and making dead sets at the buttons.
A poplar tree fell down during last September's Storm Ali and came close to striking the war memorial itself.
"Just as we were lining up for the third or fourth time, a screeching sound came from nowhere and with it a group of eight to 10 parakeets landed in the small poplar tree a mere 30 yards behind us.