poor rate

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Related to poor rate: poor law

poor rate

(Historical Terms) English history a rate or tax levied by parishes for the relief or support of the poor
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Garth; but he meant to make the sum complete with another sixty, and with a view to this, he had kept twenty pounds in his own pocket as a sort of seed-corn, which, planted by judgment, and watered by luck, might yield more than threefold--a very poor rate of multiplication when the field is a young gentleman's infinite soul, with all the numerals at command.
found when the carrier converts fares into pounds it is using a poor rate that costs passengers more.
14.1% of these projects were launched in the northwest of Tunisia, a poor rate compared to the region's wealth, resources and opportunities, participants said.
"There is no reason to accept a poor rate from your bank if you could be earning 60 times more interest with Halifax.
Her parents live abroad as her father is an aircraft engineer for Royal Brunei Airlines and, due to a poor rate of exchange, cannot afford to help her
The project ( thought to be the first of its kind in the public sector ( is seen as an innovative way of boosting growth in a county with a poor rate of business start-ups.
Petitioners argued that the poor rate of recall returns on some children's products regulated by CPSC were causing risks to consumers who had not heard about the original recall.
Social Security, as currently structured, faces the twin problems of insolvency and poor rate of return.
Why are TV shows allowed to promote themselves as "charitable" with such a poor rate and who is taking the rest of the money?
Seven churchmen, including two Reverends, appeared in court at Bilston for failing to pay their share of the poor rate for education.
The defect, affecting a gene called Factor V Leiden, was associated with a poor rate of live births in a study of pregnancy outcomes.