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(ˈplaʊəbəl) or


(Agriculture) able to be ploughed
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Combination of morphemes that correspond to Pattern of construction of deverbal adjectives in--vel base suffix Derivative V (past participle theme) ADJ beber 'to drink' (bebi--) --vel bebivel 'drinkable' arar 'to plough' ( ara--) aravel 'ploughable' partir 'to break' ( parti--) partivel 'breakable' base Semantics of the derivative V (past participle theme) beber 'to drink' (bebi--) 'that is prone to be arar 'to plough' ( ara--) Vpast participle' partir 'to break' ( parti--) Table 3.
With the help of his wife Lorna and middle daughter Penny, who also works on neighbouring units, he farms 180 acres of in-bye land, 60 of which is ploughable, and runs 25 spring-calving Blue Grey cows from November for five months on 300 acres of a National Trust-owned common.
If cattle numbers are reduced even further and the small ploughable part of grassland is ploughed up, then climate change would be accelerated."