

(Music, other) an electronic device that enables a player to bend the pitch of a note being sounded on a synthesizer, usually with a pitch wheel, strip, or lever
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Musical material--timbres, scales, chord sequences, pitch ranges and other effects such as vibrato, chorus, volume and pitchbend can either be selected from a range of presets or composed afresh into the device's memory.
The use of MIDI controller data (to apply effects such as vibrato, pitchbend, chorus, panning, phasing, portamento, reverb) in real time demands considerable skill, and it would challenge anyone to exploit fully the ensemble possibilities of the system with up to twelve separate timbral, melodic and harmonic parts being deployed simultaneously.
Suddenly, True starts moaning inconsolably in the garden--"She's doing pitchbends, too!" Ghersi exclaims--and I realize something: he hasn't even been listening to the track as he is making it, because he already knows how it is going to sound.