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Related to picene: Chrysene, epicene, piscine


(Chemistry) chem a type of hydrocarbon found in the residue that is obtained in peat tar and petroleum distillation
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In Sabellian, the attested accusatives of singular personal pronouns include the Volscian miom, Umbrian and South Picene tiom and Oscan siom (Rix, La lingua, 231, n.
The other three are in the Common Sabellian subgroup: Oscan, Umbrian, and South Picene. It is these languages for which he describes the demonstratives.
(38) This unique example of Latin endo used as postposition is matched by other Italic languages where a similar syntactic construction with *en underlies the creation of an innovative locative form (Umbrian ocrem 'on the mount' TI 6a, 46; South Picene mefun 'in medial' MC 1; and Oscan hurtin 'in the garden' SA 1, A2).39 Further support comes from the oldest attested Celtic language, namely Celtiberian, where we find tokoitei eni (Botorrita I A 4).
The mutagenic effects of the particle extracts were positively correlated to the content of polycyclic aromatic compounds, particularly to picene, phenanthrene, 2-methyl-anthracene, 3-methylphenanthrene, and fluoranthene [139].