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(Anatomy) anatomy the part of a bone that is responsible for lengthening. Also called: growth plate
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


1. the principle or concept of growth and change in nature.
2. nature considered as the source of growth and change.
3. something that grows or develops.
See also: Change, Growth, Nature
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The university is engaged in the research project, known as RELIONMED, along with Cyprus' fisheries department, the University of Cyprus and two local research centres, the Enalia Physis Environmental Research Centre and the Marine and Environmental Research (MER) Lab.
The Physis Heathgates Academy, in Whitchurch, was rated as 'requires improvement' by Ofsted inspectors last year over some of its policies and because it did not have proper checks in place over absences.
For example, physis, aletheia, and Gelassenheit figure greatly in much of the book, yet they are unsatisfactorily examined in terms of their place, meaning, and import in Heidegger's thinking.
En su obra Auersperg bautizo como "PHysiogenese" una postura que va mas alla de lo somatico (fisiologico) y lo animico (psicologico), recurriendo a la nocion griega de "Physis", como Naturaleza, y mas precisamente, como Naturaleza que crece, se desarrolla y vive.
In general, pediatric joint capsules and ligaments tend to be stronger than the physis, making physeal injuries incredibly common and the mechanical equivalent to ligamentous injuries in adults.
Nonsurgical treatment is traditionally advocated for patients with primary patellar dislocation.[19] Several authors have reported good or excellent functional outcomes and few recurrent dislocations after arthroscopic medial plication.[20],[21] Previous cadaveric studies have demonstrated the location of MPFL femoral attachment close to the physis.[22],[23] There is a risk of physeal injury during MPFL reconstruction.
(12) Indeed, I would suggest that in some important sense, our grasp of the natural law comes after (metd) "nature" (physis).
After two dives, the marine biologists from the Enalia Physis Environmental Research Centre surface with nearly 20 brown-and-white striped specimens.
These issues correspond with modern science's influence, and Di Fuccia outlines this along with the Aristotelian concepts of art as techne and nature as physis (134) and how Barfield confronts materialism without completely disavowing positive elements of science.
Pins were placed from the distal epiphysis of the radial styloid obliquely across the physis into the more proximal ulnar aspect of the radial metaphysis.