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(Biochemistry) biochem a type of proteid that is present in the kidney bean
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(2017) also used 18S rRNA region sequencing for the identification of fungal strains as Macrophomina phaseolin and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, respectively.
Phaseolin content was determined using a spectrophotometer (1=280 nm), according to the methodology proposed by DIXON et al.
Hall, "Phaseolin: Structure and Evolution," The Open Evolution Journal, vol.
The globulin with the highest concentration is phaseolin, whose content corresponds to 40-50% of the total globulins [9,10].
Effects of short-term feeding of rats with a highly purified phaseolin preparation.
Barre, "A case of severe anaphylaxis to kidney bean: Phaseolin (vicilin) and PHA (lectin) identified as putative allergens," Allergy, vol.
Phaseolin protein variability in wild forms and landraces of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris).
These distinctions are made based on phaseolin protein patterns elucidated using electrophoresis.
These were characterized morphologically (seed color pattern and seed weight) and biochemically (phaseolin type and HCN content) (Debouck, 1979; Maquet, 1991; Ballesteros, 1999).