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Related to peristome: calyptra


1. Botany A fringe of toothlike appendages surrounding the mouth of a moss capsule.
2. Zoology The area or parts around the mouth in certain invertebrates.

per′i·sto′mal (-stō′məl), per′i·sto′mi·al (-stō′mē-əl) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Botany) a fringe of pointed teeth surrounding the opening of a moss capsule
2. (Zoology) any of various parts surrounding the mouth of invertebrates, such as echinoderms and earthworms, and of protozoans
[C18: from New Latin peristoma, from peri- + Greek stoma mouth]
ˌperiˈstomal, ˌperiˈstomial adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈpɛr əˌstoʊm)

1. Bot. the circle of toothlike appendages surrounding the opening of a moss capsule.
2. Zool. any of various structures or sets of parts that surround or form the walls of a mouth or mouthlike opening.
[1790–1800; < New Latin peristoma. See peri-, -stome]
per`i•sto′mal, per`i•sto•mat′ic (-stəˈmæt ɪk) per`i•sto′mi•al, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.peristome - (botany) fringe of toothlike appendages surrounding the mouth of a moss capsuleperistome - (botany) fringe of toothlike appendages surrounding the mouth of a moss capsule
phytology, botany - the branch of biology that studies plants
capsule - a dry dehiscent seed vessel or the spore-containing structure of e.g. mosses
plant process, enation - a natural projection or outgrowth from a plant body or organ
2.peristome - region around the mouth in various invertebrates
invertebrate - any animal lacking a backbone or notochord; the term is not used as a scientific classification
anatomical structure, bodily structure, body structure, complex body part, structure - a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing; "he has good bone structure"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
This is thanks to a slippery coating the team gathered from the peristome of a carnivorous plant.
The spines of the urchins were removed by a slim pointed tip Lodestar stainless steel tweezers, L605014 (Limited Exempt Private Company, Singapore); the peristome was cut using a scalpel; the Aristotle's lantern was removed using forceps, and finally the coelomic fluid was removed.
Later, Bridel (1819) took into account the immersed capsule, double peristome of 16 teeth and the smooth calyptra.
Entries on individual genera include identifying features, the apical system, ambulacra, interambulacra, peristome, spines, color, and distribution.
The aim of the paper is to: (1) systematically describe a new species of cornulitids from the Wenlock of Gotland, (2) discuss the function of the unique undulating edge of the peristome in Conchicolites crispisulcans sp.
Endoperodial body sessile 2 cm across globose to subglobose or slightly depressed onion shaped when not depressed smooth seated in saccate slightly depressed basel area of exoperidium grayish brown with occasional darker tints; Peristome fibrillose and conical dark brown surrounded by circular shallow groove.
Biofilms enhance the bacterial proportions in a way that the aggregates may be larger than the Euplotes peristome. This mechanism/strategy protects bacteria from predators and enables them to increase their biomass (Matz & Kjelleberg, 2005).
The traditional circumscriptions are based mainly on peristome characters, making the classification of the three taxa difficult.
Qualitative characters used in species description include: colour of the soft parts (reddish or pale) based on field notes and/or from the colour of dried-in soft parts visible through the shell, protoconch shape, protoconch sculpture, teleoconch sculpture (other than rib distance), umbilical development, peristome development, overall shell shape, whorl convexity, as well as the arrangement of barriers in the aperture and deeper within the body whorl (see below).
The moss peristome is a very complicated structure with no parallel in the plant kingdom.
The length of the shell is measured from the tip of the apical plug to the base of the peristome. The width is the width of the spire perpendicular to the shell length but does not include the peristome.