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(Physical Geography) an area of land consisting of peat bogs, usually containing many species of flora and fauna
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Participants also joined an exposure trip to the Leyte Sab-a Peatland, one of the two major peatland sites in the country.
The fire broke out on peatland near Strathy in Sutherland in May, with about 23 square miles of land damaged.
A PROJECT in Neath Port Talbot and Rhondda Cynon Taf, which aims to restore a historic peatland landscape and get people active, has been awarded PS260,000 by the National Lottery.
In a new paper published in the journal Scientific Reports,a team of researchers led by the University of Glasgow discuss how they have used carbon-14 dating to determine for the first time the age of carbon dioxide being released from peatland sites.
The moratorium, which covers around 66 million hectares (254,827 square miles) of primary forest and peatland, was first introduced in 2011 and has been renewed regularly as part of the efforts to reduce emissions from fires caused by deforestation.
But the resulting drying out of the peatland landscape has led to emissions of what had been locked-in carbon, and erosion which has seen some channels, originally 40cm wide, turn into 10-metre wide gullies.
Though peatlands constitute three per cent of the earth's surface, they store 30 per cent of the world's soil carbon and when peatland is drained it becomes the net source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions thereby acting as a catalyst of climate change.
Petition organiser Ban Bloodsports on Yorkshire's Moors says wildlife is being eradicated and peatland damaged by burning on the company's land to boost red grouse populations for shooting.
The February meeting of Lockerbie Wildlife Trust was a members'night and for the first half Barbara Mearns gave a presentation on her recently published book"Peatland Poems from the Scottish Solway".
A NEW exhibition that explores Meirionnydd's peatland heritage has opened at Yr Ysgwrn, Trawsfynydd.
Peatland ecosystems contain approximately 30% of the global terrestrial soil carbon (C) pool (Limpens et al.