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Noun1.peachick - a young peafowl
bird of Juno, peafowl - very large terrestrial southeast Asian pheasant often raised as an ornamental bird
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Besides re turning for the astonishing fruit, that summer I returned a bit more often to hear the latest tales of the orchard's peacocks, and to watch the peachick and the daughter flourish.
(47) They mated, and had four peachicks. (48) Unfortunately, Etta and the peachicks were eaten by a predator, which caused Dexter to grieve and begin to bite.
The mother peacock and her peachicks are thought to be wild, although it is rumoured the mother may have lived at Tutbury Castle years ago.
His love for Arjuna and everything associated with the tree including the birds that nested, peachicks that hatched at its trunk base and many more enlightened the people's man on the nature and wonder of life itself.