paving stone

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Related to paving stone: pavers

paving stone

(Civil Engineering) a concrete or stone slab for paving
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.paving stone - a stone used for pavingpaving stone - a stone used for paving    
cobble, cobblestone, sett - rectangular paving stone with curved top; once used to make roads
curbstone, kerbstone - a paving stone forming part of a curb
flagstone, flag - stratified stone that splits into pieces suitable as paving stones
pavement, paving - the paved surface of a thoroughfare
stone - building material consisting of a piece of rock hewn in a definite shape for a special purpose; "he wanted a special stone to mark the site"
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paving stone

nlastra di pavimentazione
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
But on that high ground, and in the crescent, which the wind swept round and round as if it were going to tear the paving stones up, its fury was tremendous.
An old maid, forced to employ her vacant days, could alone see to the grass being hoed from between the paving stones, the tops of the walls kept clean, the broom continually going, and the leather curtains of the coach-house always closed.
The thaw increased steadily, a warm, unhealthy wind blew through the streets, vehicles splashed through the mud, and the iron shoes of horses and mules rang on the paving stones. Crowds of melancholy people plodded wearily along the footpaths, with here and there a drunken man among them.
This young student at the National School of Business and Management of Tangier, in the north of Morocco, has designed an eco-friendly paving stone in the form of traditional Moroccan Zellige tiles.
A piece of granite or any paving stone. One with rough edges is also an interesting choice.
Elba humbled by paving gong ACTOR Idris Elba (pictured) has said he feels "humbled" to be getting a commemorative paving stone from organisers of the Mobo awards.
is can't be a smooth layer or your paving stone will have nothing to bed-in to, so chop the mortar in - as described before - and put a chalk cross on this slab, so you know not to tread on it.
The men took a paving stone from the car and began to hit it to the window of the pharmacy.
A MAN who had part of his foot amputated after tripping on a wonky paving stone is suing his council for pounds 50,000.
Peab Industri announced in February that it plans to expand the St Eriks plant in Uppsala by investing SEK50m in a new paving stone production line.
Lay the first paving stone in the corner of the area to be paved on a bed of mortar - 3 / 4 parts building sand: one part cement.