pas de trois

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pas de trois

n. pl. pas de trois
A dance for three.

[French : pas, step + de, of, for + trois, three.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

pas de trois

(ˌpɑ də ˈtrwɑ)

n., pl. pas de trois (ˈtrwɑ, ˈtrwɑz)
a dance for three dancers.
[1755–65; < French: literally, step for three]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.pas de trois - (ballet) a dance for three people
dancing, terpsichore, dance, saltation - taking a series of rhythmical steps (and movements) in time to music
ballet, concert dance - a theatrical representation of a story that is performed to music by trained dancers
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
It's the second week of Miami City Ballet School's Choreographic Intensive, and the students stand in a light-drenched studio watching a choreographer Durante Verzola sets a pas de trois. "Don't be afraid to look at the ceiling--look that high," Verzola shows one student as she holds an arabesque.
His repertoire includes such works as Giselle(count Albrech), La Bayadere (Solor), Swan Lake(Prince Siegfried, Pas de trois), Midsummer night's Dream(Oberon), Nutcracker (Prince), Carmen-Suite(Jose), Legend of love(Farkhad) and other images.
Le ColisA@e se trouve en plein centre-ville, dans le quartier [beaucoup moins que]cinA@phile[beaucoup plus grand que] de la capitale, A quelques pas de trois des quatre cinA@mas encore en activitA@ soit la Renaissance, le 7A?me Art et le Royal.
The stallions take part in classic dressage, including pas de trois, where three horses perform a precise drill and "airs above the ground," a complicated series of higher-level jumps for which they are best known.
In the pas de trois (a peasant dance for a trio to show off both lyricism and bravura), Korean guest artist Heewon Cho stood out for her precision, speed and her lush use of the long limbs.
So begins a skillfully choreographed pas de trois that ends with a wow of a double-twisted finale.
The ballet reaches a fever pitch of anguish in an exquisite pas de trois in which Beauty dreams of dancing with her prince while the Beast watches in despair.
Alisa Voronova, Sergey Kononenko and Anna Surmina will be performing the Pas de trois.
Le celebre choregraphe, Jean Claude Gallotta, presente ce pas de trois, il en a moins retenu l'argument (Chloe, epouse du jeune berger Daphnis, enlevee par des pirates est ramenee a lui par un miracle du Dieu Pan) qu'il a travaille le mouvement, saisi l'energie, la douceur, la violence de la joute amoureuse.
As reported in the December National Geographic, astronomers using Hubble Space Telescope measurements from 2006 think the Cloud couple is doing a dynamic "intergalactic pas de trois" with us.
The Pas de Trois and famous dance of the cygnets proved as transfixing as the set piece duets between the lovers.
Also on stage dancing pas de deux and pas de trois from ballet as diverse as Coppelia, The Sleeping Beauty, Pineapple Poll, Paquita and Diana and Acteon, will be BRB dancers including Nao Sakuma, Chi Cao, Ambra Vallo, Michael O'Hare, Jamie Bond and Jenna Roberts.