part number

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part number

A combination of numbers, letters, and symbols assigned by a designer, a manufacturer, or vendor to identify a specific part or item of materiel.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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One field in the BoM will list the number of times the component is used, and another field will list all the reference designators for that part number. In FIGURE 1, for example, line 5 in my BoM is a 0.1 microfarad, 10V capacitor.
"From a part number found on a section of the debris, the piece has been identified as a trailing edge splice strap, incorporated into the rear spar assembly of a Boeing 777 left outboard flap," Liow ( reportedly said.
Additionally, the digital edition includes part number hyperlinks that connect to their respective website landing page.
Karnataka, July 23 --, an electronic component information aggregator based in India, now offers its users the ability to locate over 2,000,000 different Ecliptek crystal and oscillator part numbers. Ecliptek's Data Download automatically sends electronic files containing accurate part numbers, descriptions, parametric data, and factory stock availability directly to OemsCart on a daily basis.
The bottom line is the wrong part number had been ordered and installed on the aircraft, and no one had ever bothered to check the usable-on code to verify its lot compatibility.
Many times, Web sites will report that their previous part number was abc100, and the new Rolls compliant part is abc100-g.
today announced that at the end of October it will begin shipping samples of its new 8.4-inch (21-centimeters-diagonal) video graphics array (VGA), amorphous silicon, thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT LCD) module, part number NL6448BC26-08D.
However, this system "falls a bit short" for engineering work, document management, and collaboration: it could not provide information regarding whether a drawing was "the right one, the right rev, the right part number, the right description."
Part number 994-039038-044 has a 70 W non-beryllium oxide termination.
A commercial identifier can be considered for use as a DoD UID equivalent if it meets all of these criteria: (1) Must contain an enterprise identifier, (2) Must uniquely identify an individual item within an enterprise identifier, product, or part number, and (3) Must have an existing Data Identifier (DI) or Application Identifier (AI) listed in American National Standard (ANS) MH10.8.2, Data Identifier and Application Identifier Standard.