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Related to panning: panning out

pan 1

1. A shallow, wide, open container, usually of metal and without a lid, used for holding liquids, cooking, and other domestic purposes.
2. A vessel similar in form to a pan, especially:
a. An open metal dish used to separate gold, other precious metals, or gemstones from gravel or waste by washing.
b. Either of the receptacles on a balance or pair of scales.
c. A vessel used for boiling and evaporating liquids.
a. A basin or depression in the earth, often containing mud or water.
b. A natural or artificial basin used to obtain salt by evaporating brine.
c. Hardpan.
4. A freely floating piece of ice that has broken off a larger floe.
5. The small cavity in the lock of a flintlock used to hold powder.
6. Music A steel drum.
7. Slang The face.
8. Informal Severe criticism, especially a negative review: gave the film a pan.
v. panned, pan·ning, pans
1. To wash (gravel, for example) in a pan to separate out gold, other precious metals, or gemstones.
2. To cook (food) in a pan: panned the fish right after catching it.
3. Informal To criticize or review harshly.
1. To wash gravel, sand, or other sediment in a pan.
2. To yield gold as a result of washing in a pan.
Phrasal Verb:
pan out
To turn out well; be successful: "If I don't pan out as an actor I can still go back to school" (Saul Bellow).

[Middle English, from Old English panne, from West Germanic *panna, probably from Vulgar Latin *patna, from Latin patina, shallow pan, platter, from Greek patanē; see petə- in Indo-European roots.]

pan 2

Variant of paan.

pan 3

v. panned, pan·ning, pans
To pivot a movie camera along a horizontal plane in order to follow an object or create a panoramic effect.
To pivot (a movie camera) in a specified direction.
A pivoting movement of a movie camera.

[Short for panorama or panoramic.]


Greek Mythology The god of woods, fields, and flocks, having a human torso and head with a goat's legs, horns, and ears.

[Middle English, from Latin Pān, from Greek.]


peroxyacetyl nitrate
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Moving the camera to follow a moving object or person, or to create a panoramic view of a scene.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
References in periodicals archive ?
TEESSIDE'S former world gold panning champion Malcolm Thomas has just become a British individual champion at the sport.
Retired building site manager Mr Thomas, 66, of Liverton Mines, near Loftus, has just won a gold medal in the veterans section of the British Gold Panning Championships and a bronze at the Scottish equivalent.
The next advance in panning was the invention of machine-run rotating pans, and the careful control (in terms of temperature and humidity) of the air used to assist in the coating and drying.