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Related to paillon: papillon


(ˈpæljən; French pajɔ̃)
a thin leaf of metal
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Just off the square is the Promenade du Paillon - an amazing park with an area of water only 2cm deep with 128 shooting water jets.
The late William Head saddled Le Paillon and Bon Mot to win the great race, while his son Alec reeled off four wins with Nuccio, Saint Crespin, Ivanjica and Gold River.
The runner up was Frenchtrained five-year-old Le Paillon who went on to win the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe in the same year.
Jennifer Paillon, CAM Golfside Lake Ypsillanti, Apts.
By contrast, the blue of the drapery rests on a 'paillon' consisting of a thin metal sheet, probably of silver (Fig.