

too tight
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Symptoms of an overtight jaw include shaking, bulging in the masseter muscle on the surface of the ramus, and a jaw that rarely drops by much more than a finger's width.
In this way, a neo-hiatus was created, paying attention not to overtight the gastric conduit and preserve its vascular supply.
Note that the removal of integrality constraints highly has relaxed the entire constraints and adding this new constraint cannot overtight them.
He found the cause of death to be hypoxic induced cardiac arrest, due to compression of his neck by an overtight neck dam ring.
Management of overtight medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction.
The team delighted the audience despite its overtight piano backbone, sterile solo-synchronization, and derivative commercial DNA, its net effect frantic and anti-erotic.
Jon says "It is usually caused by overtight muscles at the base of the skull and upper neck.
The medics regularly found prisoners dehydrated, wrists bloody from overtight handcuffs, ankles swollen from forced standing, joints dislocated from stress positions.
"His problem is really in his legs - they are overtight and Botox seems to paralyse the muscles that are too tight and helps him to use the ones that aren't working.
Jessica Stevenson first pinged on to the celebrity radar as Denise Roy-ale's bridesmaid Cheryl, a comedy punchbag in overtight taffeta and unflattering ruffles.
I find that people who are very stressed and anxious are overtight and stiff.