

tr.v. o·ver·as·sessed, o·ver·as·sess·ing, o·ver·as·sess·es
1. To assess (a property) as being worth more than its actual value, leading to the imposition of an overly high tax based on the valuation.
2. To collect a tax higher than that justified by law from (someone).

o′ver·as·sess′ment n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
were designed to overassess damages because it was assumed that these actions would be brought only a small fraction of the times defendants caused harm....").
Furthermore, applying a similar color coding to the difference between the self-assessment and the CCC assessment highlights that there is more often a tendency of the resident to systematically slightly overassess or underassess than there is for a systematic difference to occur for particular milestones (Figures 1 through 3).
Lejk and Wyvill (2001), in a study with 172 participants, concluded that students towards the top of the group in terms of their performance tended to underassess themselves relative to peer assessment while students performing towards the bottom of the group tended to overassess themselves.
If assessors see commercial property as a means of exporting the property tax burden to nonresident owners, then they might overassess that property relative to resident-owned property (Johnson 1989).
systematically overassess damages because defendants must pay for all of
He argues that the FAE may mean that retributive theory in practice will inflict punishment out of proportion to a rational measurement of "just deserts." Legislators, judges, and juries following intuitive notions of blameworthiness will tend to overassess individual responsibility and underassess situational factors.
We might begin with the danger of simple majority rules and juries rushing to judgment, in which case we prefer supermajorities and then suppress the product rule "because" we would otherwise dramatically overassess likelihoods.
Such an error would tend to cause the jury to overassess the probative value of the testimony.
The rule is thus information-forcing in the important sense that it controls B's incentive to overassess potential damages.
The ProPublica/Tribune research published this year was only the culmination of many years of research showing that wide swathes of the county -- largely to the south and west of Chicago and southern suburbs, but in many other places as well, especially where immigrants live -- were substantially overassessed. A similar series showed dramatic underassessment of downtown commercial properties, and gross neglect of outlying commercial properties as valuations didn't change by a dollar for close to a decade.
Property may be under- or overassessed and favoritism may creep in.