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In a way that surpasses, exceeds, or goes beyond: outdistance.

[From out.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. excelling or surpassing in a particular action: outlast; outlive.
2. indicating an external location or situation away from the centre: outpost; outpatient.
3. indicating emergence, an issuing forth, etc: outcrop; outgrowth.
4. indicating the result of an action: outcome.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. not in the usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order.
2. away from one's home, country, work, etc., as specified: to go out of town.
3. in or into the outdoors: to go out for a walk.
4. to a state of exhaustion or depletion: to pump a well out.
5. to the end or conclusion, a final decision, etc.: to say it all out.
6. to a point or state of extinction: a practice on the way out.
7. in or into a state of neglect, disuse, etc.: That style has gone out.
8. so as not to be in the normal or proper position or state; out of joint: Her back went out after her fall.
9. in or into public notice or knowledge: The truth is out at last.
10. on strike: The miners go out at midnight.
11. so as to project or extend: to stretch out.
12. from a specified source or material: made out of scraps.
13. so as to deprive or be deprived: to be cheated out of one's money.
14. aloud or loudly: to cry out.
15. thoroughly; completely; entirely: The children tired me out.
16. so as to obliterate or make undecipherable: to cross out a misspelling; to ink out.
17. not at one's home or place of employment; absent: I stopped by to visit you, but you were out.
18. not open to consideration; out of the question: She gets airsick, so flying is out.
19. wanting; lacking; without: We had some but now we're out.
20. removed from or not in effective operation, play, etc., as in a game: He's out for the season with a leg injury.
21. no longer holding a job, public office, etc.; unemployed (usu. fol. by of): to be out of work.
22. inoperative; extinguished: The elevator is out. Are the lights out?
23. finished; ended: before the week is out.
24. not currently fashionable or in vogue: Fitted waistlines are out this season.
25. unconscious; senseless: Two drinks and he's usually out.
26. not in power, authority, or the like: a member of the out party.
27. Baseball.
a. (of a batter) not succeeding in getting on base.
b. (of a base runner) not successful in an attempt to advance a base or bases.
28. out of bounds.
29. having a financial loss to an indicated extent: out millions when the market crashed.
30. incorrect or inaccurate: calculations out by $247.
31. not in practice: Your bow hand is out.
32. beyond the usual range, size, weight, etc. (often used in combination): an outsize bed.
33. threadbare or having holes: out at the knees.
34. not available: Mums are out till next fall.
35. external; outer.
36. located at a distance; outlying: the out islands.
37. Cricket. not having its innings: the out side.
38. Slang. openly homosexual: an out lesbian.
39. indicating the first nine holes of an 18-hole golf course (opposed to in): an out score of 33.
40. (used to indicate movement or direction from the inside to the outside of something): She ran out the door.
41. (used to indicate location): The car is out back.
42. (used to indicate movement away from a central point): Let's drive out the old parkway.
43. begone! away!
44. (used in radio communications to signify that the sender has finished the message and is not expecting a reply.) Compare over (def. 46).
45. Archaic. (an exclamation of indignation, reproach, etc.) (usu. fol. by upon): Out upon you!
46. a means of escape from responsibility, embarrassment, etc.: I had no out.
47. Usu., outs. those persons or groups not in office or lacking status, power, or authority.
48. Baseball.
b. a turn at bat that results in a put-out.
49. (in tennis, squash, handball, etc.) an out-of-bounds return or service.
50. something that is out, as a projecting corner.
51. Print. an omission or deletion.
52. to go or come out.
53. to become public, evident, known, etc.: The truth will out.
54. to make known; tell (fol. by with): Out with the truth!
55. to eject or expel.
56. to intentionally expose (a secret homosexual, esp. a public figure).
1. all out, with maximum effort; thoroughly or wholeheartedly: They went all out to finish by Friday.
2. on the outs, in a state of disagreement; quarreling; at odds.
3. out from under, rid of burdensome responsibilities, esp. free of debt.
4. out of,
a. not within: out of the house.
b. beyond the reach of: out of hearing.
c. not in a condition of: out of danger.
d. so as to deprive or be deprived of.
e. from within or among: Take the jokers out of the pack.
f. because of; owing to: out of loyalty.
g. foaled by: Grey Dancer out of Lady Grey.
5. out of it, Informal.
a. not participating.
b. not conscious.
c. confused; muddled.
6. out of place,
a. not in the correct position or order.
b. unsuitable to the circumstances or surroundings.
57. out of trim, Naut. (of a ship) drawing excessively at the bow or stern.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English ūt, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon ūt, Old High German ūz, Old Norse ūt; akin to Skt ud-]


a prefixal use of out, occurring in various senses in compounds (outcast; outcome; outside), and serving also to form transitive verbs denoting a going beyond, surpassing, or outdoing of the particular action indicated (outbid; outdo; outlast).
[Middle English; Old English ūt-; see out]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


pref with vbs to out-dance etc somebodyjdn im Tanzen etc übertreffen, besser als jd tanzen etc
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References in classic literature ?
Rostov, having finally settled with "Uncle" where they should set on the hounds, and having shown Natasha where she was to stand- a spot where nothing could possibly run out- went round above the ravine.