official document

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Noun1.official document - (law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some rightofficial document - (law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some right
document, papers, written document - writing that provides information (especially information of an official nature)
articles of incorporation - a legal document that creates a corporation; it is filed with a state by the founders of a corporation and is governed by the laws of the state
derivative instrument, derivative - a financial instrument whose value is based on another security
negotiable instrument - an unconditional order or promise to pay an amount of money
passport - a document issued by a country to a citizen allowing that person to travel abroad and re-enter the home country
ship's papers - official papers which a ship is legally required to have; related to ownership, cargo, etc.
manifest - a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane
debenture - a certificate or voucher acknowledging a debt
power of attorney - a legal instrument authorizing someone to act as the grantor's agent
letters of administration - legal document naming someone to administer an estate when no executor has been named
letters testamentary - a legal document from a probate court or court officer informing you of your appointment as executor of a will and empowering you to discharge those responsibilities
work papers, work permit, working papers - a legal document giving information required for employment of certain people in certain countries
act, enactment - a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body
law - legal document setting forth rules governing a particular kind of activity; "there is a law against kidnapping"
bill, measure - a statute in draft before it becomes law; "they held a public hearing on the bill"
brief, legal brief - a document stating the facts and points of law of a client's case
testament, will - a legal document declaring a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die
living will - a document written by someone still legally capable requesting that he should be allowed to die if subsequently severely disabled or suffering terminal illness; "after he discovered he had AIDS he drew up a living will"
deed, deed of conveyance, title - a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it; "he signed the deed"; "he kept the title to his car in the glove compartment"
assignment - the instrument by which a claim or right or interest or property is transferred from one person to another
deed of trust, trust deed - a written instrument legally conveying property to a trustee often used to secure an obligation such as a mortgage or promissory note
conveyance - document effecting a property transfer
income tax return, return, tax return - document giving the tax collector information about the taxpayer's tax liability; "his gross income was enough that he had to file a tax return"
license, permit, licence - a legal document giving official permission to do something
letters patent, patent - an official document granting a right or privilege
judgement, legal opinion, opinion, judgment - the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision; "opinions are usually written by a single judge"
acquittance, release - a legal document evidencing the discharge of a debt or obligation
judicial writ, writ - (law) a legal document issued by a court or judicial officer
authorisation, authorization, mandate - a document giving an official instruction or command
affidavit - written declaration made under oath; a written statement sworn to be true before someone legally authorized to administer an oath
written agreement - a legal document summarizing the agreement between parties
bill of indictment, indictment - a formal document written for a prosecuting attorney charging a person with some offense
impeachment - a formal document charging a public official with misconduct in office
arraignment - a legal document calling someone to court to answer an indictment
law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
certificate, security - a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends; "he held several valuable securities"
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References in classic literature ?
"But some official document was drawn up as to this affair, I suppose?" inquired the Englishman.
Now Alexey Alexandrovitch intended to demand: First, that a new commission should be formed which should be empowered to investigate the condition of the native tribes on the spot; secondly, if it should appear that the condition of the native tribes actually was such as it appeared to be from the official documents in the hands of the committee, that another new scientific commission should be appointed to investigate the deplorable condition of the native tribes from the--(1) political, (2) administrative, (3) economic, (4) ethnographical,
But, on the whole, he probably concluded that it was more befitting a governor to remain quietly in our chair, reading the newspapers and official documents."
At one end of the room, in a recess, were a number of barrels piled one upon another, containing bundles of official documents. Large quantities of similar rubbish lay lumbering the floor.
That is how official documents addressed to important personages should be written.
The 1,320MW Shaiwal coal power project was recently completed under CPEC at a cost of $1.6 billion, the official document revealed.
Summary: An Emirati woman has been referred to the criminal court by the public prosecution allegedly for forging an official document to get the advantage of the social aid for divorced women.
Official document stated that not a single penny was released for 82 construction projects in the Home Department during the current fiscal and the same confined just to paper work.
Summary: DUBAI -- A former sergeant of the Armed Forces stood trial in the Court of First Instance on Sunday accused of expropriation of public property, forgery and use of forged an official document and fraud.
The case dates back to March 2010, when the police arrested the accused and referred him to public persecution on charges of forging official document and impersonating.
In that EO, government officials or personnel attending to a citizen's request for official document must list down the things that are to be submitted in connection with the application or clearance.
According to an official document, HEC has suggested this while preparing interventions for legislation to enhance industry-academia linkages.