ocean liner

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.ocean liner - a large commercial ship (especially one that carries passengers on a regular schedule)ocean liner - a large commercial ship (especially one that carries passengers on a regular schedule)
cabin - small room on a ship or boat where people sleep
cabin liner - a liner with cabins for passengers
cargo liner - a liner that carries cargo
cruise liner, cruise ship - a passenger ship used commercially for pleasure cruises
express luxury liner, luxury liner - a liner equipped for sumptuous living
passenger ship - a ship built to carry passengers
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ocean liner

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Minute by minute, its flow is guided by an expert, who sits at a telephone exchange as though he were a pilot at the wheel of an ocean liner.
She tried to imagine her wood-god by her side in the saloon of an ocean liner. She saw him eating with his hands, tearing his food like a beast of prey, and wiping his greasy fingers upon his thighs.
Cunard welcomed one of their oldest former crew members on board ocean liner Queen Mary 2 in Southampton at a recent celebratory lunch.
Virtually all travelers between Europe and North America today undertake the journey by air, but it wasn't until the 1950s that the airline eclipsed the ocean liner as the largest nominal carrier of Transatlantic passenger traffic.
The greatest ocean liner back in the day went down claiming the lives of more than a thousand passengers while multiple conspiracy theories persist.
his subject being the tragic demise of the ill fated ocean liner the Lusitania.
Summary: An exclusive tour around the iconic ocean liner - now transformed into a hotel.
Renovation works will start on the famous ocean liner the Queen Elizabeth 2, popularly known as QE2, at Dubai Drydocks World, transforming the ship into a floating hotel.
The world famous ocean liner the Queen Elizabeth 2, popularly known as QE2, has been moved to Dubai Drydocks World to begin her transformation into a floating hotel at Port Rashid, according to reports.
And Mr Higginson, a former head waiter aboard the QEII ocean liner, decided he would welcome dogs to his eatery but requested no children under the age of 12 came to visit.
Aptly named 'Dive the Titanic,' Blue Marble Private provides willing customers a chance to descend the depths of the North Atlantic Ocean and tour the world's most doomed ocean liner, which sank some 105 years ago.
The exterior is finished in blue velvet, completed with a twin coach-line with ocean liner motif to the shoulder, and offset by pinstripe tyres and a solid silver Spirit of Ecstasy.

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