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 (əb-strŭkt′, ŏb-)
tr.v. ob·struct·ed, ob·struct·ing, ob·structs
1. To block or fill (a passage or opening) with obstacles or an obstacle.
2. To impede, retard, or interfere with; hinder: obstructed my progress. See Synonyms at hinder1.
3. To be or get in the way of (a view or something to be seen). See Synonyms at block.

[Latin obstruere, obstrūct- : ob-, against; see ob- + struere, to pile up; see ster- in Indo-European roots.]

ob·struct′er, ob·struc′tor n.
ob·struc′tive adj.
ob·struc′tive·ly adv.
ob·struc′tive·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a variant spelling of obstructor
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.obstructer - someone who systematically obstructs some action that others want to take
controversialist, disputant, eristic - a person who disputes; who is good at or enjoys controversy
naysayer - someone with an aggressively negative attitude
stonewaller - one who stonewalls or refuses to answer or cooperate; someone who delays by lengthy speeches etc.
2.obstructer - any structure that makes progress difficultobstructer - any structure that makes progress difficult
bar - an obstruction (usually metal) placed at the top of a goal; "it was an excellent kick but the ball hit the bar"
barrier - a structure or object that impedes free movement
blockade - prevents access or progress
blockage, stoppage, occlusion, closure, block, stop - an obstruction in a pipe or tube; "we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe"
hinderance, hindrance, preventative, preventive, encumbrance, incumbrance, interference, hitch - any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
obstacle - an obstruction that stands in the way (and must be removed or surmounted or circumvented)
structure, construction - a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts; "the structure consisted of a series of arches"; "she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons"
tumbler - a movable obstruction in a lock that must be adjusted to a given position (as by a key) before the bolt can be thrown
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
However, if it turned out that the Incumbent TGoNU Transitional Legislature or Council of Ministers is becoming an obstructer or spoiler of timely R-ARCSS implementation, the supremacy of the peace agreement and its precedence over all of the available promulgated legislations must be invoked in Chapter VIII (Article 8.4).
If the obstruction of a speaker constitutionally entitled to speak is physical, presumably an injunction against the obstructer would be available, but the typical demonstration scenario provides little notice in advance and involves time periods that are shorter than the ability of formal legal processes to respond to them.
sanctions and Western pressure, is emerging as the main obstructer of the Cabinet formation."
Hajjar pointed out that "Hezbollah is the only obstructer," affirming "the existence of solutions underway."
He went on to add that he wanted the dialogue sessions aired to the Yemeni people "so that they can know who the obstructer is".
He further said that he wanted the dialogue sessions aired to the Yemeni people "so that they can know who the obstructer is".
Depression in elderly outpatients with disabling chronic obstructer primary disease Age Ageing 1998; 27 (2): 155-66.
It does not want to appear to be an obstructer. This happened when Ali Abdulla Saleh violated the Implementation Mechanism of the Gulf Initiative by failing to comprehensively transfer power, in spite of the fact that he was instrumental in formulating the initiative before the involvement of the Gulf Countries.
Therefore, they obstruct each other's efforts to achieve their goals because such obstruction makes it more likely that the obstructer will achieve his or her goals.
Therefore, democracy, due to the aforesaid reasons, is in opposition to Shariat; and each opposite is obstructer of its opposite.
"The better description of that chaotic and incompetently governed nation is as a haven for Islamist radicals and a deliberate obstructer of the attempt by the U.S.
"The US seeks to strike Syria as it is an obstructer to the Zionist, US project in the region, but the peoples of the region are aware, and Israel would not be apart from danger if Syria was subjected to any aggression," President Ahmadinejad said in a speech in Kerman Province.