oblique-slip fault

oblique-slip fault

(Geological Science) a fault on which the movement is along both the strike and the dip of the fault
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References in periodicals archive ?
(2002): Stress field variation related to fault interaction in a reverse oblique-slip fault: the Alhama de Murcia fault, Betic Cordillera, Spain.
(2002): Stress field variety related to fault interaction in a reverse oblique-slip fault: the Alhama de Murcia fault, Betic cordillera, Spain.
(2001): Using Travertine Deformations To Characterize Paleoseismic Activity on an active oblique-slip fault. Geologica Acta 36, 297-313.
On Conanicut Island, numerous NNE-trending sinistral oblique-slip faults are observed.
Minor strikeslip and oblique-slip faults cut the section, but lack of brecciation or apparent repetition of rare marker units suggest limited movement.