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or nut job  (nŭt′jŏb′)
n. Slang
A crazy or eccentric person.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


an insane person
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
But it's nowhere near as funny as TV channels continuing to broadcast live from a gantry outside Westminster, luring every attention-seeking nutjob in the vicinity to interrupt presenters like Kay Burley with loud, indecipherable wailings.
Youth want jobs and education and when they fail to realise their dreams of a better life they are easily lured to violence by some nutjob sitting in a far corner of the world.
And Anna's fellow students not only must dodge hordes of hungry dead people, they must watch out for their own evil headmaster, a certified sociopathic nutjob appropriately named Savage (Paul Kayue).
Another eyewitness added: "Whoah lively tuesday morning some nutjob hit some innocent guy over the head with a hammer over a cigarette outside stratford station."
The country has "a nutjob problem," but not a gun problem, said Patterson, who is known for championing gun rights and writing Texas' concealed handgun law during his time as a state senator.
Willie Mullins is poised to let everyone's favourite nutjob go head-to-head with John as he eyes a step up in trip for the loveable fruitcake.
Janey revealed that Olivia informed the police about the letters she received from the killer, but the cops said that the letters most likely came from "some nutjob just trying to get attention." Interested in seeing the letters, Hodges asked Janey if she has them.
Her Cabinet and backbench MPs now rule the roost, so no more nutjob notions of nicking old people's homes or turning them into iceboxes by stealing winter fuel allowances.
The waves of bomb threats against Jewish community centers in the US are the work of a single "nutjob" and not a terrorist organization or hate group, according to a law enforcement official.
They've backtracked since - "who mentioned Asperger's?" was their reply to one critic, as though "self-confessed nutjob" could have been a reference to anything else - but have not accepted they were wrong.
Asked whether there was anything else she could have done, she said: "The police log states that basically I am a nutjob with gagging and restraining orders against me.
As we know, flaky Neil, who's currently the most entertaining nutjob in Corrie, bar Mary, doesn't need much encouragement to pull a crazy stunt, but the fear of his wife re-marrying sees him grabbing Tim's window cleaning ladder and clambering onto the roof of The Rovers in protest.