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(ˌnɔrθˈwɛs tər nər)

(often cap.) a native or inhabitant of the northwest, esp. the northwestern U.S.
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Very much a Pacific Northwesterner, her approach is steeped in a love of nature--especially walks in the woods or on the Oregon Coast to recharge.
Eleven chapters are: introduction: all the birds in the sky; the Williams family arrives in Washington; growing up in Pasco; early journalism; Seattle and the Times; people; Cold War years; geology; at sea in the Pacific Northwest; on land in the Pacific Northwest; a northwesterner in the Far East; Japan and World War II.
Meanwhile, the Girl Skateboard group ended their amateur drought (was Cory really their last one?!) by inking deals with CKl's fellow Pacific Northwesterner Simon Bannerot and the highly quotable Tyler "Manchild" Pacheco.
The word intrapreneur was first coined by a Pacific Northwesterner, Gifford Pinchot lll, grandson of the first Chief of the United States Forest Service, who popularized the term in his best-selling book, 'Why You Don't have to Leave the Corporation to Become an Entrepreneur.' According to Pinchot, intrapreneurs are people within a corporation who turn an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation.
He plans to launch this month and eventually develop a "regional network" ofwebsites.
There isn't a local or a northwesterner who doesn't know it.
As the day progressed I might have beaten him, but he was saved by the fact it was 100 degrees with 100 percent humidity and this was Jerry's kind of weather giving him a distinct advantage over this Northwesterner. OK, so he had many distinct advantages.
As a resident of the Pacific Northwest, I have a particular fondness for the writings of Denise Levertov, a Catholic peace activist and, yes, a Pacific Northwesterner. In her poetry, she expresses a deep and enduring compassion for creation and a vigilance for seeking the holy at work within it.
A native Northwesterner, MIKE O'BRYANT writes about fish, wildlife and energy issues and is a U.S.
In the December issue, a writer from Montana expressed dismay that a Northwesterner from Olympia, Washington considered a Montana river his "home water" (Home Water Pressure, Tight Lines).
Sales and marketing tasks are now handled by John Bryant, a native Northwesterner with extensive big brewery experience.
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