

(Computer Science) computing (of computer files, subroutines, folders, etc) able to be embedded within another of the same type to form a hierarchy
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The nestable lid is manufactured by unique and proprietary technology developed by Seda International.
Returnable Plastic Crates Market Analysis & Forecast Globally, by product type, the nestable RPC segment is estimated to dominate the market in 2018 in terms of market value.
Polymer's extensive range of returnable transport, storage and display products includes collapsible bins, folding, nestable and stackable crates, together with reusable dollies and pallets.
The XpressPal (XP) grocery pallet for shipping of finished goods from distribution centers to retail in grocery supply chains is nestable and fully hygienic.
Created specifically for shipping perishables in grocery supply chains, the reusable XpressPal (XP) pallet is nestable and fully hygienic with one-piece construction.
These Bright Basics Nest & Stack Cubes from Educational Insights are 10 stackable, nestable cubes featuring animals, shapes, numerals, quantities, and sweet starry scenes.
The pallets' innovative design features include construction 60% lighter in weight than conventional hardwood pallets and a space-saving, nestable configuration that saves space in shipping and warehousing.
Quad/Graphics phased in the new pallets over the course of the last year or so, scaling back on its use of a plastic, nestable pallet by Perfect Pallets that has been in wide circulation in the market for more than 20 years.
Nestable when empty, the pallet also features generous clearance for forklifts to de-nest a full stack with slanted fork entry and a discontinuous, stepped pallet lip.
PHS Teacrate offers crates, trays, pallets and plastic containers in a variety of dimensions including attached lid containers, patisserie and bread trays, produce boxes, hygiene pallets and nestable bale arm trays that are compatible with retailers' existing trays.