nervus spinalis

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Noun1.nervus spinalis - any of the 31 pairs of nerves emerging from each side of the spinal cord (each attached to the cord by two roots: ventral and dorsal)nervus spinalis - any of the 31 pairs of nerves emerging from each side of the spinal cord (each attached to the cord by two roots: ventral and dorsal)
dorsal horn, dorsal root - one of the two roots of a spinal nerve that passes dorsally to the spinal cord and that consists of sensory fibers
anterior horn, anterior root, ventral horn, ventral root - one of two the two roots of a spinal nerve that passes ventrally from the spinal cord and that consists of motor fibers
nerve, nervus - any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the body
anterior crural nerve, femoral nerve, nervus femoralis - one of a pair of nerves that originate from lumbar nerves and supply the muscles and skin of the anterior part of the thigh
nervus phrenicus, phrenic nerve - one of a pair of nerves that arises from cervical spinal roots and passes down the thorax to innervate the diaphragm and control breathing
cervical nerve - any of eight pairs of spinal nerves emerging from the cervical section of the spinal cord
coccygeal nerve, nervus coccygeus - the lowest pair of spinal nerves
lumbar nerve - any of five pairs of spinal nerves emerging from the lumbar section of the spinal cord
sacral nerve - any of five pairs of spinal nerves emerging from the sacral region of the spinal cord
thoracic nerve - any of twelve pairs of spinal nerves emerging from the thoracic region of the spinal cord
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