nerve end

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Noun1.nerve end - the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapsenerve end - the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapse
axon, axone - long nerve fiber that conducts away from the cell body of the neuron
free nerve ending - microscopic sensory nerve endings in the skin that are not connected to any specific sensory receptor
Pacinian corpuscle - a specialized bulblike nerve ending located in the subcutaneous tissue of the skin; occurs abundantly in the skin of palms and soles and joints and genitals
proprioceptor - special nerve endings in the muscles and tendons and other organs that respond to stimuli regarding the position and movement of the body
end, terminal - either extremity of something that has length; "the end of the pier"; "she knotted the end of the thread"; "they rode to the end of the line"; "the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix"
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References in periodicals archive ?
This kink-resistant property of the conduit is of particular importance when applied to the nerve end, because it allows the natural outgrowth of the regenerating axons of the injured proximal nerve stump to be guided without hindrance (e.g.
Information regarding age, etiology of the defects, duration of injury, types of nerve and repair, nerve defect, distance between proximal nerve end and tip of middle finger, associated vascular injury, and comorbidity were recorded from patients' medical records.
BAHA are surgically implanted into patients who have nerve end conductive hearing loss, which can be caused by chronic ear infections.
This fibrosis serves as a barrier around the injured nerve end and provides it physical and chemical protection, but the fibrosis also prevents the regrowing axons from reaching their distal counterparts.
Each stimulates a different nerve end. Individuals vary in their sensitivity to the quantity of aromatic reaching these nerves--some being appreciative of one part per million or less, while others may be totally blind to specific chemical vapors.
This kink-resistant property of the conduit is particularly important when applied to the nerve end, because it allows the natural outgrowth of the regenerating axons of the injured proximal nerve stump to be guided without hindrance (e.g.
The place was creaking before a ball had even been kicked as Gerry Marsden led the masses in a rousing rendition of You'll Never Walk Alone which somehow seemed to pinch on every nerve end in the body.
Stephen Renton, 38, gave up his pounds 60,000-a-year job to develop a cure for the nerve end damage that left his mum, Sheila, in agony.
Q MY wife had shingles seven years ago and not getting the proper treatment resulted in her having a damaged nerve end which affected her nervous system.
"It eats away and attacks the nerve ends. My feet would be itchy and I couldn't feel the ends of my fingers.
When I stone I off in and did to "It eats away and attacks the nerve ends. My feet would be itchy and I couldn't feel the ends of my fingers.
like my mother's feet, his nerve ends dangle, sending muddled