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(Medicine) relating to or suffering from myopia
ˌnear-ˈsightedly adv
ˌnear-ˈsightedness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[ˈnɪəˈsaɪtɪd] ADJmiope, corto de vista
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˌnɪəˈsaɪtɪd] adjmiope
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(niə) adjective
1. not far away in place or time. The station is quite near; Christmas is getting near.
2. not far away in relationship. He is a near relation.
1. to or at a short distance from here or the place mentioned. He lives quite near.
2. (with to) close to. Don't sit too near to the window.
at a very small distance from (in place, time etc). She lives near the church; It was near midnight when they arrived.
to come near (to). The roads became busier as they neared the town; as evening was nearing.
ˈnearly adverb
not far from; almost. nearly one o'clock; He has nearly finished.
ˈnearness noun
nearby (niəˈbai) adverb
close to here or the place mentioned. He lives nearby; a cottage with a stream running nearby.
ˈnearside adjective
(of the side of a vehicle etc) furthest from the centre of the road.
ˌnear-ˈsighted adjective
a near miss
something that is almost a hit, success etc.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


قَرِيبُ النَّظَر, قَصِيرُ النَّظْر krátkozraký nærsynet kurzsichtig μυωπικός miope likinäköinen, lyhytnäköinen myope kratkovidan miope 近視の 근시의 bijziend nærsynt krótkowzroczny míope близорукий närsynt ซึ่งมีสายตาสั้น, สายตาสั้น miyop bị cận thị, cận thị 近视的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
Forth she steps into the dusky, time-darkened passage; a tall figure, clad in black silk, with a long and shrunken waist, feeling her way towards the stairs like a near-sighted person, as in truth she is.
"Ah, my dear sir, you began with being very near-sighted, and those near-sighted eyes always wear the best.
Round, wildish eyes, slightly near-sighted, completed a physiognomy essentially feline.
His face was deeply marked with scars, and although he was very near-sighted, his gray eyes were bright and wild, so wild at times that they frightened those upon whom they were turned.
Being probably near-sighted, she kept her eyes half-closed; there were cunning little wrinkles at the corners of them.
When he's drunk there ain't no near-sighted man could tell him from a king."
Felix Sweetsir, being near-sighted, was obliged to fit his eye-glass in position before he could recognize the prime minister of Lady Lydiard's household.
Archie and Charlie, evidently great cronies, were pacing up and down, shoulder to shoulder, whistling "Bonnie Dundee"; Mac was reading in a corner, with his book close to his near-sighted eyes; Dandy was arranging his hair before the oval glass in the hat-stand; Geordie and Will investigating the internal economy of the moon-faced clock; and Jamie lay kicking up his heels on the mat at the foot of the stairs, bent on demanding his sweeties the instant Rose appeared.
Considering the character of the weapons, the limited number of shots allowed, the generous distance, the impenetrable solidity of the fog, and the added fact that one of the combatants is one-eyed and the other cross-eyed and near-sighted, it seems to me that this conflict need not necessarily be fatal.
The men wouldn't let him into their clubs; the women-- more than one--whom he wanted to marry, refused him; friends and relations got too near-sighted to see him in the street.
John was very deaf, and Miss Priscilla very near-sighted, two convenient afflictions for the girls on some occasions, but once they proved quite the reverse, as you shall hear.
Well, how could I, with all my gifts, make any valuable preparation against a near-sighted, cross-eyed, pudding-headed clown who would aim himself at the wrong tree and hit the right one?