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a country in which the illegal trade in narcotic drugs forms a substantial part of the economy
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Noun1.narco-state - an area that has been taken over and is controlled and corrupted by drug cartels and where law enforcement is effectively nonexistent; "this Mexican town has become a narco-state that ships 100 pounds of cocaine to the United States every day"
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References in periodicals archive ?
MEXICO CITY -- US federal prosecutors have accused the Honduran government of essentially functioning as a narco-state, with the current and former presidents having received campaign contributions from cocaine traffickers in exchange for protection.
True, the drug menace threatens to transform our nation into a narco-state with large volumes of illicit cash influencing political outcomes.
Duterte has estimated that around seven million Filipinos are addicted to shabu, and has warned that the country is close to becoming a narco-state if the narcotics trade is not stopped.
On Wednesday, Washington recognized Juan Guaid, head of the U.S.-backed opposition, as the rightful leader of Venezuela, describing Maduro -- a former union leader and bus driver accused of turning Venezuela into a narco-state -- as a usurper.
DPA MANILA PHILIPPINES Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano defended his country's drug war before the United Nations General Assembly on Saturday, saying his government protects the rights of its citizens and police officers over drug lords and criminals who are out to "kill and destroy." The Philippine government is "salvaging"its"deteriorating country" from becoming a narco-state, Cayetano said.
Philippines Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano defended his country's drug war before the United Nations General Assembly, saying his government protects the rights of its citizens and police officers over drug lords and criminals who are out to "kill and destroy." The Philippine government is "salvaging" its "deteriorating country" from becoming a narco-state, Cayetano said.
"As a sovereign and democratic country led by a duly-elected President, we are on track in salvaging our deteriorating country from becoming a narco-state," Cayetano said.
But despite heavy military presence in Afghanistan with majority of US troops Afghanistan has become a true narco-state and leading heroine exporter to the world.
The country is a failed narco-state run by a clique of greedy anti-American ideologues in cahoots with Islamic radicals beholden to Iran, the world's foremost state sponsor of terror.
D- After many years of doing its damnedest, on one side of the Greater Middle East, war-party Washington has somehow overseen the rise of the dominant narco-state on the planet in Afghanistan with monopoly control over 80-90 percent of the global opium and heroin supply.
The president dismissed criticism over the thousands of people killed in the drug war as he said the Philippines had turned into a "narco-state".