mushroom-shaped cloud

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Noun1.mushroom-shaped cloud - a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped like a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb)mushroom-shaped cloud - a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped like a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb)
cloud - any collection of particles (e.g., smoke or dust) or gases that is visible
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References in periodicals archive ?
'I thought it was a meteor or something,' a resident who lives next to the complex said after seeing a mushroom-shaped cloud rising from the facility.
Which could explain why he is obsessed with having a big d**k competition with Kim Jong-Un in which he threatens to wipe out North Korea under a mushroom-shaped cloud.
Then the explosion seemed to fill the sky, until it resolved into a huge mushroom-shaped cloud. The project had succeeded.
Motorists travel on a highway near Camalig town in Albay as a giant mushroom-shaped cloud shoots out of Mayon Volcano on January 22, 2018.
As a huge mushroom-shaped cloud boiled skyward, Gackenbach raised a camera to his eye and triggered the shutter.
The concussion is made visible by the dust particles it heaves skyward, creating the mushroom-shaped cloud that -- for television audiences of a certain age in some parts of the world -- signified the end of days.
The theme was played out most memorably in the famous "Daisy Girl" ad that showed a little girl in a field counting leaves on a daisy when an ominous voice began the countdown ("Ten, nine, eight...") to a sudden explosion and a little girl disappearing in a mushroom-shaped cloud.
The second test, which propelled two million tons of water into an enormous mushroom-shaped cloud more than a mile high, remains one of the most enduring and terrifying images of the 20th century.