mouse nest

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Noun1.mouse nest - where mice bear and raise their youngmouse nest - where mice bear and raise their young
nest - a structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young
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References in periodicals archive ?
Harvest Mouse Nest Hunt | Join the experts at Parc |Slip Wildlife Trust Visitor Centre in Tondu tomorrow from 10am.
The computer had stopped working and when technicians took a closer look at the hard drive in the tower, they came across a mouse nest.
Stopping immediately to check under the hood, I found a mouse nest burning from the heat of the motor.
But it was confirmed harvest mice were living at Saltholme with the discovery of a harvest mouse nest by assistant warden Ed Pritchard.
To describe it as resembling a mouse nest is to flatter it.
While cutting back swathes of old montbretia leaves last week I was mortified to disturb a mouse nest.
Birmingham City Council prosecutor Amanda Scown said the company had only discovered a mouse nest after the inspectors shut them down.
Countryside: Last winter I went to change my oil and discovered a mouse nest in the air filter in my car.
The location is often in an abandoned mouse nest in the ground but they will also utilize dry sites in the walls of buildings, entering through a crack.
Investigators were baflled as to how the blaze started in the Wayfarers Arcade, Lord Street, Southport, until a mouse nest was found under a stairwell.