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1. (Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) a portable pulley device for bending crossbow or turning the drum of a crane
2. (Fortifications) a type of wooden turnstile that allows foot traffic through a fortification or other barrier
3. (Dancing) a wheeling motion performed by a couple in a dance
4. (Fencing) a circular cut or swing of the sword
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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If it amuse you to bend it, well and good; but why should I strain and pull, when my little moulinet will do all for me, and better than I can do it for myself?"
He drew his moulinet from his girdle, and fixing it to the windlass, he drew back the powerful double cord until it had clicked into the catch.
I did but wish to show that the long-bow could do that which an arbalest could not do, for you could not with your moulinet have your string ready to speed another shaft ere the bird drop to the earth."
beware thy toll-dish.'' The Miller, on the other hand, holding his quarter-staff by the middle, and making it flourish round his head after the fashion which the French call faire le moulinet, exclaimed boastfully,
This lavish and ridiculously amazing trip will kick off in August and feature trips in Koh Samui, Siem Reap, Kathmandu, Agra, Florence, Siena, Cannes, Moulinet, London, Barcelona, Ibiza, Marbella, Marrakech, Havana, Knoxville, Kona, El Nido and Manila.
(43) Jean-Pierre CHANTIN, Les cultuelles: des catholiques contre Rome?, en Jean-Pierre CHANTIN y Daniel MOULINET (dir.), La Separation de 1905.
Generalement, les mordus de la peche preferent le moulinet a la canne fixe, quand bien meme chaque equipement a ses points forts et ses contraintes.
Others, like hands across ('moulinet') or ladies' chain, were performed by two couples at a time.
How could I live outdoors in my state, so poor that I don't have two pennies to rub together, about as capable of confronting the dangers of the world as a newly-born chick whose feet have been tied and beak filed down before being abandoned in a deep jungle just when the big cats roar awake, perform a moulinet on their back legs tipped with their powerful claws, and prepare to eat everything they can, whatever they find around them, in order to satiate themselves until their next nap?