mooring line

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Noun1.mooring line - (nautical) a line that holds an object (especially a boat) in placemooring line - (nautical) a line that holds an object (especially a boat) in place
boat - a small vessel for travel on water
headfast - a mooring line that secures the bow of a boat or ship to a wharf
line - something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible; "a washing line"
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References in classic literature ?
To the right of us I saw the captain of a junk chop away his mooring line with an axe and spring to help his crew at the hoisting of the huge, outlandish lug-sail.
Early in July, another vessel of Jomalia Shipping was involved in an incident in the port of Danao City, where a truckload of rice fell on the waters after the mooring line accidentally snapped as it is being loaded.
Once the structure is in place, the end of the mooring line will be collected from the seabed anchor and connected into the PMC located on the platform's hull.
Another key deal saw Viewport3 working with BP to provide an innovative method of digital modelling for mooring line chains for a buoy in Angola.
Named after the French word meaning "mooring line," a rope, cable or chain by which a boat is attached to the shore or to an anchor, the program intends to connect artists in exile to their host communities.
That fish did a quick loop around the mooring line and became hopelessly tangled.
Scientific instruments attached to a mooring line and buoy can do what expeditionary research and satellites can't: take measurements from above the ocean surface down to the bottom, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Hartlepool's JDR has designed a unique cable system, which protects the floating platform in the unlikely event of a mooring line failure.
The mooring system is composed of a 24 mmdiameter polypropylene (PP) mooring line with a length of 60.8 m, 24 mm-diameter PP main line, and 18 midwater buoys of 50 kg each, which are attached to the main line by a 12 mm-diameter PP rope, and two 1 [m.sup.3] marker buoys attached to each end of the main line and the mooring line by a 12 mm-diameter PP rope.
A mooring line dropped free from the nose during the aircraft's second take-off, Hybrid Aerial Vehicles (HAV) said in an interim report submitted to the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB).
The company has received the contract for an umbilical and distribution system to support a production platform mooring line control system.