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tr.v. mis·rep·re·sent·ed, mis·rep·re·sent·ing, mis·rep·re·sents
1. To give an incorrect or misleading representation of.
2. To serve incorrectly or dishonestly as an official representative of.

mis·rep′re·sen·ta′tion n.
mis·rep′re·sen′ta·tive (-zĕn′tə-tĭv) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.misrepresented - having an intended meaning altered or misrepresentedmisrepresented - having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented; "many of the facts seemed twisted out of any semblance to reality"; "a perverted translation of the poem"
artful, disingenuous - not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness; "an ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, who...exemplified...the most disagreeable traits of his time"- David Cannadine; "a disingenuous excuse"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
But, that my view of the Poor Law may not be mistaken or misrepresented, I will state it.
You remember the old fable of "The Man and the Lion," where the lion complained that he should not be so misrepresented "when the lions wrote his- tory."
Interested people have perhaps misrepresented each to the other.
I soon discovered that both of them were perfect strangers to the rest of the company, and had never seen or heard of them before; and I had a whisper from a ghost who shall be nameless, "that these commentators always kept in the most distant quarters from their principals, in the lower world, through a consciousness of shame and guilt, because they had so horribly misrepresented the meaning of those authors to posterity." I introduced Didymus and Eustathius to Homer, and prevailed on him to treat them better than perhaps they deserved, for he soon found they wanted a genius to enter into the spirit of a poet.
There is nothing more unjust than the vulgar opinion, by which physicians are misrepresented, as friends to death.
Whether or no, I am sorry you made a novel of my story, for the effect has been almost as if you had misrepresented me from beginning to end.
Born in poverty at Boston, January 19 1809, dying under painful circumstances at Baltimore, October 7, 1849, his whole literary career of scarcely fifteen years a pitiful struggle for mere subsistence, his memory malignantly misrepresented by his earliest biographer, Griswold, how completely has truth at last routed falsehood and how magnificently has Poe come into his own, For "The Raven," first published in 1845, and, within a few months, read, recited and parodied wherever the English language was spoken, the half-starved poet received $10!
Of course, the newspapers of the land lived up to the reactionary policy of the ruling class, and the destroyed socialist press was misrepresented and vilified, while the Black Hundreds were represented as true patriots and saviours of society.
He finds it "hard to believe that GE, which has been engaged with several regulatory reviews of its accounting and financial disclosures for over two years, has fraudulently misrepresented its financial reporting." Further, Heymann finds the effort to portray GE's current financial condition assuming all three alleged cash or noncash charges totaling ~$38B should have been previously recognized is "at best disingenuous and at worst highly inaccurate." The analyst keeps an Outperform rating on General Electric.
Her statements backfired when Hussain pointed out that her film Load Wedding had not only misrepresented his image but also tried to defame his character.
Summary: New Delhi [India], Feb 6 (ANI): aACoeAn article appeared yesterday in the press that misrepresented Prudential Financial's plan with regard to DHFL Pramerica Life Insurance (DPLI), our joint venture with Dewan Housing Finance, said a statement from Prudential Financial, Inc.